Wednesday, November 3, 2010

In Passing

Hanging his head low
Working hands undo
Silver Container of spirit
Because his spirit's lost
And this seems to be
The best way to pass time.

Swallowing hard
His apple makes a vicious move
Within his ravaged throat;
Sucks his teeth a little
Cocks his head to the right
And with one grim look
Encompasses me into his fable.

A silent minute
Or two
We go on with our game
I blink
He looks down
Weary eyes to my script
He rummages through
A collection of bags at his feet
Producing a small leather book
As my scribing ceases
And I look on in wonder
Further with question
As to why his hand's outstretched;
But with each page turned
The message clearer
Artist to artist
Recognition sublime...

Unconscious Melody

A little reason to lie
A little reason to hold me...

If I could just clear my mind
If the world could just cease it's crimes
Then maybe we'd finally own we
Instead of waiting on god we don't see
On high.

Speaking of the subject
Been a long time since I been high
Wait a minute,
On life;
And yes
I'm trying to get a laugh tonight
Because that's what gets me by
When I lose trust
And I need a little reason to lie
A simple moment just to hold me
And cry
Because how many times
Til it won't be alright
And there's no way to clear your mind
No way to face the time
No way to get that high
Being left with gettin' by
And all there is
Is memory
Of life...

The Quick and the Dead

Every day I see the quick
And the dead.
Souls who get
Souls who don't.
I see them
And in my wanderings ponder
What about me?
Then some of them answer...

It starts with my thoughts
Each morning on the edge of awakening
As I grumble
Shifting into maturity
Or what I've been told that is;
Follows me out my door
As I turn again
Because in my rush to survive
I don't want to leave my dreams
Idling upon sheets

It strains my shoulders
Into a curvature of the spine
My eyelids follow
Along the black rhythms
Of their quiet stares
Recognizing me
As one of the damned
Delicately dancing
Upon the razor of existence
Thankful for my calloused soul
Bare and strong
Being neither quick
Or dead
Going about life
In it's strange
Usual way...