Friday, December 3, 2010

The Face of My Father

So my mom contacts me and ask for a favor. This piece is the result and is dedicated to those "senior" members of the Highland Ave. Church of Christ. Enjoy!

“The Face of my Father”

I saw the face of my father
Saw the faces of them all
Contemplating their grace
God’s blessing of age
In a time so many of my heroes
Have faded much too fast

I saw the faces of his friends
Brothers and sisters
Ageless grand oaks
Whose leaves of wisdom
I still seek shelter under
When the glare of this world
Seeks to blind me to fall

I saw all their faces
Not as they are
But as they were
A multihued multitude
Of the stories I part
As I tend my fields
Of adolescent abandonment
Realizing beyond
What I ever thought I would
The exquisite joy
Of age
And prayed
I’d be blessed to see the same…